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Smudge Stick – Black Sage 10cm


The Smudge Stick – Black Sage 10cm is a powerful tool for deep spiritual cleansing and protection. Black Sage, also known as Mugwort, is renowned for its ability to enhance dreams, dispel negative energy, and promote spiritual clarity. This smudge stick is ideal for use in meditation, rituals, or before bedtime to encourage vivid, meaningful dreams. Its compact size makes it perfect for personal use or small spaces. Use it to cleanse your environment, protect against negativity, and create a spiritually charged atmosphere. Black Sage is also known for its ability to amplify intentions, making it an essential tool for spiritual practices focused on clarity, protection, and transformation. Whether you are looking to enhance your dream work, protect your space, or deepen your meditation practice, this smudge stick is an excellent choice. Create a sacred, peaceful environment with the purifying power of Black Sage.

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